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Perfect Fit

Face Shape

First and foremost, the perfect frames are the ones that make you feel your best. Just as swimsuits are designed for different body types, Flutter reading glasses are designed for different face shapes. Eyewear should repeat your best feature, such as choosing a green frame for hazel eyes. The frame shape should contrast with, not repeat, your face shape. For example, frames with angles flatter a round face while frames with gentle curves complement an angular face. Use the Face Shape Filter to see the frames most complementary for you.

Lens Power

To help you determine what magnification you need, we have a chart, Lens Power to help you. Before you print out the chart in portable document format (aka, “pdf”), make sure that you don’t select the “Fit to page” printing option. Your lens power is the smallest size of print that you can comfortably read. The figure next to your optimal print size is the lens power you need.

Try On

Our virtual try on application allows you to try on our glasses virtually, in real time. Comfortably at home. In your pajamas. At any hour. Choose the Flutter frames you want to try on. Then just use a webcam by hitting the Virtual Try-On button. Give it a try!